Thursday, August 20, 2009

It Was A Perfect Dream...

For the first time I saw you , In my dream.
I thought it was just a dream,And never come true.
Few day’s later, to my surprise.
I had seen you on a dating site.
Believe me or not , I was excited to see you.
The girl in my dream, Is on this earth as person.
There were no limit’s for my happiness.
When I saw you on a dating site.
Before I met you , I thought dreams just come and pass away.
And will not be true, But for the first time I trusted,
That dreams will come true.
I have the proof , that is YOU.
And I am just waiting for another dream to come.
Which makes us ONE SOMEDAY.
If we are really born for each other.
Believe me or not it was a real dream in my life.
Which had come true, And stood before me as person.
That is YOU only YOU...


Dedicated for My Love...

Please don't copy... thank u...

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